HTTP endpoints

Login and Registration

Logging in

POST /login

Login and authenticate with existing user credentials.

Example request:

POST /login HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "username": "user",
  "password": "pass"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Logged as user",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"
Request JSON Object
  • username (string) – The username.

  • password (string) – Username’s password.

Response JSON Object
  • message (string) – A status message describing the outcome of the request.

  • access_token (string) – A JWT to authenticate the user username in further requests.

  • refresh_token (string) – A JWT to refresh the access_token once it expires.

Request Headers
  • Accept – Supported application/json

Response Headers
Status Codes


POST /registration

Register a new user with given username and password.

Example request

POST /registration HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "username": "user",
  "password": "pass"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "User user was created!",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
Request JSON Object
  • username (string) – The username.

  • password (string) – Username’s password.

Response JSON Object
  • message (string) – A status message describing the outcome of the request.

  • access_token (string) – A JWT to authenticate the user username in further requests.

  • refresh_token (string) – A JWT to refresh the access_token once it expires.

Status Codes

Guest users

The API supports guest users as well. These users will not need to be registered and credentials for guest users may be requested at any time. When created, default test problems will be added to the guest user.


Notice that guest users will have access to only the pre-defined test problems and cannot define their own multiobjective optimization problems. Guest users cannot save any data to the database and will be deleted periodically. The name of the guest user is always prefixed with guest_ followed by random 5 characters, e.g., guest_abc12.

To request credentials for a guest user, use the following endpoint:

GET /guest/create

Create a new guest user and get credentials.

Example request

GET /guest/create HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Guest guest_abc12 was created!",
  "access_token": "access_token",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token",
Response JSON Object
  • message (string) – A message describing the outcome of the request.

  • access_token (string) – A JWT to authenticate the guest guest_abc12 in further requests.

  • refresh_token (string) – A JWT to refresh the access_token once it expires.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – A new guest user was created successfully.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – A new guest could not be created or it was not possible to add the default problems to the guest user.

Managing multiobjective optimization problems

Accessing an existing problem

POST /problem/access

Access an existing problem and fetch its information.

Example request

POST /problem/access HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_id": "1",

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "objective_names": ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
  "variable_names": ["x", "y", "z"],
  "ideal": [100, -20, 0.1],
  "nadir": [20, 20, -0.001],
  "n_objectives": 3,
  "n_variables": 5,
  "n_constraints": 0,
  "minimize": [-1, 1, -1],
  "problem_name": "Example problem",
  "problem_type": "Analytical",
  "problem_id": 1,
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Request JSON Object
  • problem_id (number) – The id of the problem.

Response JSON Object
  • objective_names (array) – An arrays of strings with objective names.

  • variable_names (array) – An arrays of strings with variable names.

  • ideal (array) – An array of numbers with the ideal point.

  • nadir (array) – An array of numbers with the nadir point.

  • n_objectives (number) – The number of objectives in the problem.

  • n_variables (number) – The number of variables in the problem.

  • n_constraints (number) – The number of constraints in the problem.

  • minimize (array) – An array of integers being either 1 or -1, where 1 at the i’th position indicates the the i’th objective is to be minimized and -1 indicated the objective is to be maximized.

  • problem_name (string) – The name given to the problem.

  • problem_type (string) – The type of the problem.

  • problem_id (number) – The id of the problem.

Status Codes

Access all existing problems

GET /problem/access/all

Fetch information of all the problems defined for a user.


Information is returned for each existing problem indexed by the problem’s id.

Example request

GET /problem/access HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "problem_id": "info",
  "problem_id": "info",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • problem_id (number) – The id of a problem.

  • info (object[]) – The information about the problem with a given id. Follows the same structure as Accessing an existing problem.

Status Codes

Query supported problem types

GET /problem/create

Query for the supported problem types.

Example request

GET /problem/create HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "available_problem_types": ["Analytical", "Discrete"],
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • available_problem_types (array) – An array of strings with the supported problem type names.

Status Codes

Create a new problem

POST /problem/create

Define a new multiobjective optimization problem.


Currently only problems with analytical or discrete formulations are supported.

Example request (Discrete problem)

Here we define a discrete problem with two variables and three (minimized) objectives with four variable and objective vector pairs.

POST /problem/create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_type": "Discrete",
  "name": "Discrete problem",
  "objectives": [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12]],
  "objective_names": ["z_1", "z_2", "z_3"],
  "variables": [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8]],
  "variable_names": ["x_1", "x_2"],
  "ideal": [0,0,0],
  "nadir": [10, 10, 10],
  "minimize": [1, 1, 1],


The variable and objectie vector pairs are expected to match one-to-one. In other words, it is assumed that \(f(\mathbf{x}_i) = \mathbf{z}_i\), where \(i\) is the position of the variable vector \(\mathbf{x}_i\) in the entry variables and the position of the objective vector \(\mathbf{z}_i\) in the entry objectives.

Example request (Analytical problem)

Here we define a problem with two variables and three objectives as follows:

\[\begin{split}&\text{min}\,f_1(x, y, z) &= x + y \\ &\text{max}\,f_2(x, y, z) &= x - z \\ &\text{min}\,f_3(x, y, z) &= x + y +z \\ &&\text{s.t.}\, x, y, z \in [-10, 10]\end{split}\]
POST /problem/create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_type": "Analytical",
  "name": "Analytical problem",
  "objective_functions": ["x+y", "x-z", "z+y+x"],
  "objective_names": ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
  "variables": ["x", "y", "z"],
  "variable_initial_values": [0, 0, 0],
  "variable_bounds": [[-10, 10], [-10, 10], [-10, 10]],
  "variable_names": ["x", "y", "z"],
  "ideal": [10, 20, 30],
  "nadir": [-10, -20, -30],
  "minimize": [1, -1, 1],


The variable_names must each be found in the expressions contained in objective_functions. Currently only simple expressions with single character variables and basic artihmetic operators (+, -, /, *) have been tested. The function expressions are parsed using Sympy.


The function expressions are parsed using Sympy.

Example response (problem created)

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "problem_type": "type"
  "name": "name of the problem",
  "owner": "username of the user the problem belongs to",

Example response (something goes wrong)

HTTP/1.1 406 Not acceptable
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Informative message telling what went wrong.",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • problem_type (string) – A string with the name of the problem type being defined.

  • name (string) – The name of the problem.

  • objective_functions (array) – (only for analytical problems) an array of string expressions representing objective functions.

  • objective_names (array) – An array of strings with the names on individual objectives.

  • variables (array) – Analytical problems: an array of single and unique characters representing the variable symbols in objective_functions. Discrete problems: an array of arrays whre each inner element represents one instance of a variable vector.

  • variable_initial_values (array) – (only for analytical problems) an array of numbers with the initial values for each variable.

  • variable_bounds (array) – (only for analytical problems) an array of tuples with each tuple representing the lower and upper bounds of the variables.

  • variable_names (array) – An array with the names of the variables.

  • ideal (array) – (optional) the ideal point of the problem.

  • nadir (array) – (optional) the nadir point of the problem.

  • minimize (array) – An array with one element for each objective and where each element is either 1 or -1, where 1 indicates and objective to be minimized and -1 indicates an objective to be maximized.

  • objectives (array) – (only discrete problems) an array of arrays where each inner element represents one instance of an objective vector.

Request JSON Object
  • problem_type (string) – The type of the created problem.

  • name (string) – The name of the created problem.

  • owner (string) – The username of the owner of the created problem.

Status Codes
  • 201 Created – Created, problem was successfully created.

  • 406 Not Acceptable – Not acceptable, something in the request is not valid. Check the message entry in the response for additional details.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – Internal server error, something went wrong while parsing the request. Check the message entry in the response for additional details.

Fetch solutions from an archive

Solutions related to defined problems can be saved and fetched from the database. Currently, only a single archive of solutions can exists for each problem.

GET /archive

Fetch problems from the archive for a specific problem. Example with a problem with 3 variables and 2 objectives.

Exmaple request

GET /archive HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_id": 1,

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "variables": [[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [1.2, 3.1, 2.2], [0.4, 1.2, 1.7]],
  "objectives": [[0.5, 0.7], [0.3, 0.8], [0.9, 0.1]],
  "info": "These solutions are interesting.",
  "date": "1/1/2022 -- 11:11:11",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Request JSON Object
  • problem_id (number) – The id of the problem which solutions should be fetched.

Response JSON Object
  • variables (array) – An array of arrays with variable vectors.

  • objectives (array) – An array of array with objective vectors.

  • info (string) – A string containing info related to the archive.

  • date (string) – A date indicateing the last time the archive was modified. The date is in the format %d/%m/%Y -- %H:%M:%S.


The variable vectors and objective vectors are matched by index. In other words, evaluating a variable vector at position i in variables will result in an objective vector at position i in objectives.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – ok, solutions returned as requested.

  • 404 Not Found – not found, either no problem with the specified id exists for the current user or the archive is empty.

Add solutions to an archive

Add solutions to an archive for a specific problem. Example for problem with 3 variables and 2 objectives.

POST /archive

Example request

POST /archive HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_id": 1,
  "variables": [[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [1.2, 3.1, 2.2], [0.4, 1.2, 1.7]],
  "objectives": [[0.5, 0.7], [0.3, 0.8], [0.9, 0.1]],
  "append": true,
  "info": "Info about the added solutions.",

Example response

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Created new archive for problem with id 1 and added solutions.",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Request JSON Object
  • problem_id (number) – The id of the problem which solutions should be fetched.

  • variables (array) – An array of arrays with variable vectors.

  • objectives (array) – An array of array with objective vectors.

  • append (boolean) – Whether to append the solution to an existing archive or change the content of the archive to the sent solutions. Defaults to true.

  • info (string) – Info related to the solutions added. Optional. If append was true, then the contents of info will be appended to the existing info, if any. If append was false, then the contents of info will replace the existing info in the archive.


The variable vectors and objective vectors are matched by index. In other words, evaluating a variable vector at position i in variables will result in an objective vector at position i in objectives. Therefore, the number variable and objective vectors should match.


Setting append to false will result in the existing archive to be wiped and replaced by the solutions sent in the request! If the solutions are to be added to the archive, append should be set to true.

Response JSON Object
  • message (string) – A message with additional details.

Status Codes
  • 201 Created – created, a new archive was created and solutions were added to it.

  • 202 Accepted – accepted, the solutions were either appended to an existing archive the old archive was replaced by the new solution. Check message for additional details.

  • 400 Bad Request – bad request, the number of variable vectors does not match with the number of objective vectors.

  • 404 Not Found – not found, the problem with id problem_id was not found.

Setup an interactive method for solving multiobjective optimization problems

Check if an active method exists

GET /method/create

Check if a method has already been defined.

Example request

GET /method/create HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Method found!",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • response (object) – A JSON-object with a message (string) entry revealing if a method has been defined.

Status Codes

Initialize a new interactive method

POST /method/create

Initialize a new interactive method with an existing problem.


For now, setting initialization parameters of interactive methods using the web API is not supported. This feature is work in progress.

Example request

POST /method/create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "problem_id": 0,
  "method": "reference_point_method",

Example response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "method": "reference_point_method",
  "owner": "username",
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Request JSON Object
  • problem_id (number) – The id of the problem the method should be initialized with.

Response JSON Object
  • method (string) – The name of the initialized method.

  • owner (string) – The username of the initialized method’s owner.

Status Codes
  • 201 Created – created, the method was initialized successfully

  • 404 Not Found – not found, either no method with the given name in method was found or no problem with id problem_id was found. See the message entry in the response for additional details.

  • 406 Not Acceptable – not acceptable, returned in the case, for example, when an attempt has been made to initialize a method with a problem of an unsupported type. For example, this code will be returned if NAUTILUS Navigator is attempted to be initialized with a problem of an analytical type.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – internal server error, something went wrong when attempting to initialize the method.

Operate interactive methods for solving multiobjective optimization problems

Starting a method

GET /method/control

Start iterating a previously defined method. In practice, we call the start() method of an interactive method in DESDEO and return the first request (not to be confused with an HTTP request) resulting from the method call to start(). The GET request should have no body, only the Authorization header. This works because only one method per user can be active at any given time. It is therefore enough to only know the identity of the user.

Example request

GET /method/control HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "response": {"message": "Helpful message", "..."},
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • response (object) – A JSON-object with varying contents. Refer to the message entry of the response for additional information.

Status Codes

Iterating methods

POST /method/control

After a method has been defined and started (using the above GET HTTP endpoint), the method may be iterated further through POST requests. In the request, information to continue iterating the method needs to be supplied as specified in the previous request’s message entry. See the section below for additional details.

Example request

POST /problem/control HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

  "response": {"message": "Helpful message", "other relevant content", "..."},

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "response": {"message": "Helpful message", "information used to continue iterating the method", "..."},
Request Headers
  • Authorization – A JWT access token. Example Bearer <access token>

Response JSON Object
  • response (object) – A JSON-object with varying contents. Refer to the message entry of the response for additional information.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – ok, method iterated

  • 400 Bad Request – method has not been started using a ‘GET’ request or the previous request (returned by the method) does not exist.

  • 404 Not Found – no defined method found for the current user.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – could not iterate the method for some internal reason in DESDEO.

Controlling different methods

When iterated, each ‘GET’ and ‘POST’ call to interactive methods will return a JSON object with at least the field ‘response’. This field will contain all the relevant information that is needed to show information about the problem being solved and the state of the interactive method. This information can then be used, for example, to show relevant visualizations in a graphical user interface.


For EA methods, sometimes a ‘response’ field will not be present. See RVEA.

Below, a short summary of the contents of these JSON objects is given for some methods. For additional information, one should check DESDEO’s documentation for the different methods both in desdeo-mcdm’s documentation and in desdeo-emo’s documentation.

NAUTILUS Navigator

The requests returned by ‘GET’ and ‘POST’ contain a JSON object with contents as shown below:

    "message": "...",
    "ideal": "...",
    "nadir": "...",
    "reachable_lb": "...",
    "reachable_ub": "...",
    "user_bounds": "...",
    "reachable_idx": "...",
    "step_number": "...",
    "steps_remaining": "...",
    "distance": "...",
    "allowed_speeds": "...",
    "current_speed": "...",
    "navigation_point": "...",

Most of the information in the above JSON object can be used to show the user information related to the problem being solved. Not all entries are necessarily relevant or defined. However, the entries ‘ideal’, ‘nadir’, ‘reachable_lb’, ‘reachable_ub’, ‘step_number’, and ‘steps_remaining’ are always defined. The default number of steps taken in NAUTILUS Navigator defaults to ‘100’, which should be kept in mind when using the method.

To continue iterating, NAUTILUS Navigator expects a response in subsequent ‘POST’ requests with the following JSON contents defined:

    "reference_point": "...",
    "speed": "...",
    "go_to_previous": "...",
    "stop": "...",
    "user_bounds": "...",

Each of these fields must always be defined. User bounds may default to ‘NaN’s as long as the dimension of the array matches the number of objectives present in the multiobjective optimization problem being solved. Notice that if a step is taken backwards, the response supplied in the ‘POST’ request by the caller must also contain that step’s original information present in that step’s original response. I.e., if a step is to be taken backwards from step number x to step y (y < x), then the response from x must contain all the information that was present in the original response in step y returned by the API (the fields ‘ideal’, ‘nadir’, ‘reachable_lb’, etc…).


It is a good idea to store the information in each of the JSON objects returned by the requests issued by a client so that stepping back is possible to any point from the current point.


When E-NAUTILUS is first started, the first request returned by E-NAUTILUS will look as the example shown below:

  "response": {
    "message": "...",
    "ideal": "[0.4, 0.9, 0.11]",
    "nadir": "[5.9, 9.8, 12.3]",

The ideal and nadir entries will show the best and worst reachable values from the starting point, which in E-NAUTILUS is the nadir point. As a response to this request, a JSON object with the following contents is expected (with example values):

  "response": {
    "n_iterations": 10,
    "n_points": 3,

In the above object, n_iterations is the number of total iterations that should be taken in the E-NAUTILUS method and n_points is the number of intermediate points shown in each iteration. The number of iterations may be changed during the course of the method.

After E-NAUTILUS has been initialized by providing the above response to the first request, subsequent requests will have the following (example) contents:

  "response": {
    "message": "...",
    "ideal": "[0.4, 0.9, 0.11]",
    "nadir": "[5.9, 9.8, 12.3]",
    "points": "[[1.2, 3.2, 2.2], [0.8, 3.1, 3.9]]",
    "lower_bounds": "[[0.9, 1.2, 2.2], [0.5, 1.1, 1.9]]",
    "upper_bounds": "[[3.9, 3.2, 4.2], [3.5, 3.1, 4.9]]",
    "n_iterations_left": 4,
    "distances": "[0.66, 0.56]",

In these requests, the entry points will be a 2-dimensional array with the intermediate points returned by E-NAUTILUS in an intermediate iteration. Likewise, lower_bounds and upper_bounds are the lower and upper bounds of the reachable from each intermediate point. n_iterations_left is the number of iterations left and distances are the distances (0-100, zero being farthest from the Pareto front and 100 being closest) of each intermediate point to the Pareto optimal front. points, lower_bounds, and upper_bounds are ordered by index, meaning that the bounds of the point at index n in points are located at index n in lower_bounds and upper_bounds, respectively.

The response expected to the above type of requests should have the following fields (with examples given):

  "response": {
      "preferred_point_index": 1,
      "step_back": false,
      "change_remaining": true,
      "iterations_left": 5,

Above, preferred_point_index is the index of the point in points which should be selected for the next iteration in E-NAUTILUS. step_back indicates that the method should go back to a previous iteration. change_remaining indicates that the remaining number of iterations should be changed. iterations_left is required only when either step_back or change_remaining is true.


When stepping back in E-NAUTILUS (i.e., step_back is set to true), a response with the follwoing example contents is expected:

  "response": {
      "preferred_point_index": "...",
      "step_back": true,
      "change_remaining": "...",
      "prev_solutions": "[[1.2, 3.2, 2.2], [0.8, 3.1, 3.9]]",
      "prev_lower_bounds": "[[0.9, 1.2, 2.2], [0.5, 1.1, 1.9]]",
      "prev_upper_bounds": "[[3.9, 3.2, 4.2], [3.5, 3.1, 4.9]]",
      "iterations_left": 3,
      "prev_distances": "[0.66, 0.56]",

In other words, the full state of the E-NAUTILUS method in the previous iterations, to which we wish to return, must be supplied is the response. It is therefore a good idea to keep track of previous states in any application making use of this API.

When E-NAUTILUS is iterated for the last time, a request with the following example contents is returned:

  "response": {
    "message": "...",
    "solution": "[1.0, 1.1, 1.2]",

The solution entry contains the final (Pareto optimal) solution found by the E-NAUTILUS method in the objective space of the problem being solved.


At the moment, only the objective values of the solution are returned.



For the time being, setting the initialization parameters for RVEA is not possible using the web API. This means that default values will be used. See RVEA in desdeo-emo’s documenation for the default values. RVEA will be initialized in its interactive form when used through the web API.

The requests returned by GET and POST contain a JSON object with both a response and preference_type field. An example of a JSON object returned by RVEA is shown below:

    "message": "...",
    "validator": "...",
  }, {
    "message": "...",
    "validator": "...",
  }, {
    "message": "...",
    "validator": "...",
    "dimensions_data": "...",
  }, {
    "message": "...",
    "validator": "...",
    "dimensions_data": "...",
  "preference_type": "integer value",
  "individuals": "...",
  "objectives": "...",

The validator in the above response field in the JSON is a string with the name of the validator, which is used internally in DESDEO. Its use in a front-end application will be informative at best. On the other hand, dimensions_data contains useful information regarding individual objectives. An example of the contents of dimensions_data is as follows:

      "minimize": 1,
      "ideal": "some_value",
      "nadir": "some_value",
      "minimize": 1,
      "ideal": "some_value",
      "nadir": "some_value",

In the above JSON object, the example contains dimensions_data for two objectives. Depeding on the problem, the names and number of objectives will vary.

The individuals and objectives fields contain the population (i.e., the individual decision variable vectors) and objective vector associated with each individual, respectively.


The individuals and objectives returned in requests from intermediatre iterations are not necessarely non-dominated. When stopping the method (see below) returned solutions will be non-dominated.

The preference_type field is used to indicate which kind of preference information is given in a response returned from a client side application (i.e., in a POST request). In other words, this integer valued field is used to select one of the responses in the list of objects in the response field in the JSON file at the beginning of this subsection. A positive integer value for preference_type will be understood as a selection of a preference type while a value of ‘-1’ will be understood as a request to stop the method and end iterating. A stop request will return the final population (i.e., decision variable vectors) and their associated objective vectors in a JSON file as shown:

  "individuals": ["list elements"],
  "objectives": ["list elements"],


The individuals and objectives returned when stopping the mehtod will be non-dominated. Notice also that there is no response field when stopping the method (this is to keep a consistent logic of having these two fields at “the top level” of the JSON objects, like in the ones returned from iterating the method).

When iterating RVEA (a POST request is made to the server), a JSON file with the following contents is expected in the request:

    "preference_data": "some data",
    "preference_type": "integer value",

In the above, the preference_type field is the same as discussed previously. The preference_data field contains preference information, which varies depending on the specified preference_type.

For example, if preference is to be given by choosing available solutions from a list as indices of those solutions, the above JSON object might look as follows:

    "preference_data": [2,4,1],
    "preference_type": 0,

Other types of preference available are: specifying indices of solution which are not preferred, specifying a reference point, and specifying a desired range for each objective as upper and lower bound pairs. Examples of JSON objects with different kinds of preference types for a problem with three objectives are as follows:

Specifying indices of solutions which are not preferred:

    "preference_data": [6,10,42],
    "preference_type": 1,

Specifying a reference point:

    "preference_data": [0.2, 0.5, 0.1],
    "preference_type": 2,

Specifying a desired range for each objective as upper and lower bound pairs:

      [0.3, 0.6],
      [0.2, 0.3],
      [0.9, 1.0],
    "preference_type": 3,


For a more detailed discussion on the various preference types, please see the related page in desdeo-emo’s documentation: Interaction in EAs.